
No complex pricing tiers, no hidden fees, and buying commissions through Arty is fee-free!

Selling Commissions

$1.50 USD + 8%

  • Arty charges a small fixed fee only after your client has purchased the commission. No sale? No fee.
  • Once the commission has been delivered we keep a small percentage of the sale price.

Buying Commissions


  • No fee to buy commissions or tip your artist.
  • Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

Receiving Tips

$1USD + 8%

  • A small fixed fee and percentage of any tip.
  • The value of your tip jar in the dashboard already has the fixed fee removed.

Withdrawing your Earnings


  • Arty does not charge a fee to withdraw your earnings. A currency conversion fee may be charged by Wise.
  • You can also choose to withdraw via PayPal which may charge a transaction or currency conversion fee.